In order to have your application accepted, you must have spoken to the relevant Council liaison officer and seek their in-principle support. If your proposed project is to occur on DEWLP land, permission from DEWLP must be obtained.
Important - applications from kindergartens
The Early Years Manager of kindergarten facilities are required to submit grant applications on behalf of their user groups (e.g. Parent Advisory Groups). If you are a Parent Advisory Group member making this application on behalf of a kindergarten operating under an Early Years Manager do not continue with this application. Contact your Early Years Manager.
Committees of Management of independent kindergartens may apply on behalf of their kindergarten.
Please email or call 1300 787 624 to speak to the relevant liaison officer below using their name and community capital works in the subject line.
- Admin Support - Rachael Chinnock
- Halls, Community Centres, Neighbourhood Houses - Connected Communities
- Recreation reserves -Sports and Active Recreation - Jo Kennedy
- Kindergartens - Rachael Hamilton or Josh McCleary
- Building requirements/regulations and inspections - Buildings and Facilities Team
- Environmental upgrades - Brett Munckton
- Building permit enquiries - Peter Truong
- OH&S, Safe Work Method Statements - Janine Hardy
- Insurances and Workcover- Meagan Evans
- Social Inclusion/accessibility - Tania Lancaster